Thursday 25 September 2014

Getting round the wrong way words

One of the most powerful aspects of social media is its capacity to make us feel valued, respected and listened to by our fellow human beings.

If a witty/serious/emotive/sarcastic (delete as appropriate) post on facebook causes several of our 'friends' to click 'like' we immediately feel affirmed.

Even though we know (because we do it ourselves) that it takes little or no effort or thought to click 'like' something inside of us likes to believe that when others 'like' something we have posted it was among the most significant and memorable experiences they had that day. This, of course, is the genius behind the whole 'like' aspect of facebook.

Another life affirming element is birthdays. Because we tell facebook our birth date they thoughtfully have installed a system whereby all our 'friends' are reminded that it is our birthday... and so can send us a birthday greeting.

Isn't it wonderful to receive so many greetings? The chances are the number of people who say 'Happy birthday' via social media vastly outweighs the number of birthday cards that would ever drop through our letterbox. It takes far less effort, of course, to send a facebook greeting. The only snag is you have to be logged in on the right day.

Which brings me to the topic that prompted this (fairly mild) Fifty and Fed Up rant. Often, if someone has not been on facebook on the day in question they will send a belated message.

It amazes me how often on facebook I see people posting the phrase "Happy belated birthday". Er, No. The birthday wasn't late. It arrived as punctually as ever. On the same date, funnily enough, as it did last year. What was late was the greeting. I think what our 'friends' are trying to say in their haste is: "Belated Happy Birthday."

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